Yarn bowls are known by everyone, especially those fibre lovers who know the importance of yarn bowls. This helpful thing is also available in various sizes which will make you buy more of them. So here in this post, we will talk more about this yarn bowl.
So, what is a yarn bowl?
A yarn bowl is an oval or round shaped vessel that can keep your yarn in place. It does have some swirls at the side or even holes. It is a useful thing that can protect your yarn from swirling down the floor accidentally. This can prevent your yarn from getting messy and filled with dust and dirt.
Reason to use it
It is something that can keep your yarn clean and tangled. You do not have to worry about your pets playing with those yarns and spoiling them. On other hand, it will also keep yarns free from any type of pet hairs getting stuck on the yarn.
A yarn bowl can also make it easy for you to do your yarning at any place you like as you can carry them along with you whenever needed. You can get the best wooden yarn bowl Australia at the Yarn Traders. They are good at having a variety of yarns and accessories at the best price.
What size is the best?
The right size will depend on the type of yarns present with you. Generally, you will need to buy slightly larger bowls than the size of that yarn present with you. This is to ensure that the skein of the yarn can move freely.
For example, if you want to knit with two yarns then you will need a bigger bowl to place both of them together.
These yarns can be used for both knitting and crocheting.