Are you in urgent need of money? Consider pawning your designer watch. Pawning is an easy way to get quick bucks when you’re in a tight financial situation. However, you need to prepare adequately to get a great deal. Solution?
Follow these five tips to sell designer watches within a short period at reasonable prices.
- Cleanliness
A genuine buyer would consider the purity of any designer watch before buying. If you visit a pawnbroker and they offer a dirty watch with grit around its watch head, would you buy? It would show that they’re careless and sell counterfeit products, or the watch is damaged hence needing a low appraisal.
Ensure you clean your watches before presenting them at any pawnshop. Pawning is popular globally, but you need to be innovative to sell designer watches successfully.
Here’s how to clean a designer watch:
- Avoid using abrasive detergents
- Wipe off dirt with warm water and a dry paper towel
- Use a soft brush to clean the watch
- Boxing
Boxing is useful when you want to get the highest value for your watch. Look for its original box and clean it properly. If you can’t find, employ some paperwork and create an artificial box.
Gather all tags and warranties for designer watches to convince a skilled pawnbroker. Besides, tags and warranties make watches look genuine, making the dealer confident in selling the watches to clients in return.
- Extra Features
At times, you may decide to remove a link from their designer watch to make it look elegant but stored additional original links. In the process, you may have ended up dropping some stones from the watch head. But if you have them, it’s recommended to store them safely in a drawer.
To sell designer watches, it’s vital to present complete items as it dramatically improves their value e earning you more money. Alternatively, keep the watches in a ziplocked bag for the pawnbroker to showcase them to prospective clients.
- Advertising
Advertising a designer watch helps in attracting customers. Research on indisputable facts about the watch and display its critical attributes including an antique and working condition. Advertising may increase its market value.
You can even auction the watches online. Currently, it’s possible to reach a considerable clientele through various social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. It allows clients to bid on your products. Moreover, you can set up an online store for clients to make direct purchases.
When you approach pawnshops with various options and offers, you stand a better chance negotiating for better prices.
- Research
Research the appropriate value and price of your designer watch. Having a reasonable price is essential for you to sell it. If you overprice your watch, it might take long before you get serious buyers.
Are you planning to sell designer watches but have no clue where to start? Call GEM pawnbrokers to speak with an expert.