We continue to review the brokerage company Larson &Holz. And today we will consider one of the variants of the partnership program, which is called a franchise. The option can not be called old, but still many beginning traders can not fully understand what the meaning of the partnership is.
Let’s briefly consider the very definition of the franchise, and its essence. But before that we will ask ourselves: Would you like to have your own business or business? From no one to depend on, and to dispose of their assets? For some reason, there is a certainty that everyone wants this. White shirt with a tie, and a serious job that brings good money. And plus to this, be at the head of your company. Not everyone, of course, can open his company. Too much is needed. But, by signing a contract with the brokerage company Larson Holtz, we can remove from our way a lot of obstacles. And there are a lot of them.
Consider the principle of franchising on a real example. The main brokerage company is a franchisor. The partner company is a franchisee. Franchising itself implies expansion of the main company (franchisor) by the method of cooperation with partner companies (franchisees). So, the management of the brokerage company LH crypto has developed a completely new approach in cooperation. The council decided to develop an optimal program for partners who, under the jurisdiction of the main company, open their own. And now briefly consider the franchising of other companies, and see what the difference is. Let us take one giant. For example, Coca-Cola. The company is really actively expanding due to the creation of a number of partner companies operating on the basis of the official Coca-Cola. Thus, a network of offices and shops is being created. But there are no outside companies in this network. Only the official company, and its partners. But, the official company does not invest in the creation of a partnership company. All worries, as well as expenses, are incurred by budding partners. Now back to the brokerage company Larson Holtz. The most advantageous difference lies in the fact that the company has developed a special department for working with budding partners. This is a huge advantage. Agree, what can a novice client know? Yes, nothing can know. But if a consultant works with him, and the company provides professional consultants, a novice client will be able to understand the very essence of the partnership. Many people think that a telephone consultant will say a little. In fact, this is so. But the company did not stop at telephone conversations. The consultant in this case will offer to meet in person and discuss absolutely all the issues. And what is characteristic, the client himself chooses a convenient time for him. Well, the meeting takes place at the nearest office of the company, which is a partner of the parent company. And already in the course of a personal meeting, the client learns all the nuances of creating a partnership company, the principles of its work, legal aspects and other subtleties. And them, believe me, a lot. We, why showed a real example. The reason why customers of other companies do not want to open a company is simple. This is a lot of running around in a variety of ways. Supervisory authorities and a variety of legal issues. All this scares even optimistic customers. Well, in the brokerage company Larson &Holz, if not all the worries, then at least the majority, the company takes on. More precisely, consultants from the company. One can agree that the opening of a partner company is clearly not a matter of minutes. And it does not even matter one day. But the accompanying professional representative of the company Larson Holtz will significantly reduce this period. The consultant will literally hold the hand for all instances. Present at meetings with representatives of these instances, and in which case, helps to solve various issues.
To be honest, this help is invaluable. After all, a beginner does not even understand how to explain in the instance what he wants to open, and even more so does not know to which category companies of this type belong. The consultant will explain everything himself. After all, two professionals will quickly understand each other.
And now, as for the financial issue. The company Larson & Holz Crypto, in contrast to other companies, takes some of the costs for themselves. In this case, the company wins a lot. After all, if you understand why companies need such investments, one can come to one conclusion. The company simply invests money in a partner company. In this sense, both sides benefit. The company benefits from investments in the client. And the client himself gets the opportunity to quickly open a company. So, quickly get a profit.
Well, now about some definitions. For example, the client opened a partner company. But what’s next? And further, the partner himself realizes services of the company, and products, with the subsequent conclusion on the financial markets of the world. For large partner companies, the marketing department has developed additional conditions. Namely, assistance in the selection of personnel. More precisely, the recommendations for selection. Well, the final decision is made by the partner. And besides that, part of the investment of the company Larson Holtz, is transferred to the assets of the partner. That is, he can dispose of them as his property.